Hey Baby, Check Out This March
Are you ready to March for Babies?
Join the March of Dimes in the March for Babies Greater Baltimore event this Sunday May 6 at the Canton Crossing Waterfront Parking Lot (1410-1500 S Clinton Street Baltimore).
Come take a leisurely 4-mile walk while raising funds for a great cause. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. and the walk will begin at 9 a.m. You can register and make donations online at https://www.marchforbabies.org/EventInfo/?EventID=19577.
There will be family teams, company teams and people walking with friends. It’s a great feeling knowing you’re helping real families. Join this event and walk with others to raise money to help babies in the Greater Baltimore community!
This year’s Greater Baltimore Ambassador is 9-year old Ella Burstein, born at 25 weeks. When Ella was born, she weighed just over 1 pound and spent more than 11 weeks in the NICU. Today Ella is a healthy and active 8-year-old, and she is the inspiration behind her grandfather, and the 2018 Baltimore March for Babies Chair, Alvin Katz, founder and shareholder of KatzAbosch. Ella and her grandfather are dedicated to fighting for the health of all moms and babies and believe that every baby deserves the best possible start.
When you join March for Babies you stand with thousands of people across the country who share your commitment to building a brighter future for us all!