Friday - October 18th, 2024

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A**-Kicking ‘Deadpool 2’ Is F***in’ Awesome

If you’re anywhere near remotely offended by the implied asterisks in that headline, you should stay far away from “Deadpool 2,” a raunchy, hilarious and absolutely brilliant thrill-ride of a movie which rivals and in many ways surpasses the first film and likewise rivals and largely surpasses anything else in the Marvel film canon.

“Deadpool 2” is riotously funny and stylish, action-packed and wonderfully executed. In fact, it’s so good that once it was over, I couldn’t wait to see it again. And I’m not just saying that because Ryan Reynolds sent me a check in the mail along with a gift card to my favorite Mexican restaurant for some chimichangas, although I’m not discounting that offer either.

“Deadpool 2” has the same tone and feel as the first film, very tongue-in-cheek, irreverent and crass in all ways. Like so many sequels, it ups the ante, and in this case it does so in regard to blood, gore and the sexual nature of the humor in addition to the language. Whereas most sequels just do so in regard to the number of heroes and villains they chuck on screen to phonily dazzle the viewer, “Deadpool 2” does so with its content and it pays off huge. Nobody who loved the first movie is going to be shocked. Saying you’re offended by this film after seeing the first is like saying you felt “Clerks 2” went a little too far. You know damn well what you signed on for, so enjoy the trip.

Unlike many reviewers, I’m not going to even issue spoiler alerts or tease any major details that will curtail your enjoyment of the movie.

Everyone knows by now that Cable is involved, coming back in time to eliminate a mutant whose actions will change his timeline for the worse. Through various pathways, Deadpool finds himself on the side of said mutant, and against Cable, bringing about the inevitable battles between the two. However, I don’t think there will be many people shocked to find out that eventually they end up on the same side fighting against the Big Bads of the movie.

It’s going to sound strange, perhaps, given how over-the-top the film is in terms of its language and dialogue, but one of the things I love about it, from a plot standpoint, is its restraint. All too often, in sequels, the screenwriters seem to try to jam in way too many heroes and villains. It’s not enough that the protagonist face off against one bad guy, no they have to cram in two or three or four, and the film ends up being a diluted piece of crap. Not so with “Deadpool 2.” You’ve got one major force for evil, then your surprise baddie that emerges about halfway through. That’s about it. Ditto on the heroes. The economy makes sense, with the spotlight predominantly on Cable and Deadpool, and the movie is all the stronger for it, since the dynamic of the two characters is fantastic, and Josh Brolin and Ryan Reynolds are both terrific in the parts.

Now, let’s take a minute here, all bribes aside, to give some major kudos to Ryan Reynolds. The scripts for both of these films have been superb and the direction has been masterful in its blend of action and comedy, but none of this works quite as well without the snide cool of Reynolds in the title role. Reynolds has long been a favorite of mine in movies like “Waiting,” but he never quite found the part which suited him perfectly until he suited up in the red and black. He inhabits the part so perfectly you can’t imagine anyone else in the role.

If you were a fan of the first movie, as I was, I really can’t recommend “Deadpool 2” highly enough. You’ll love it. It’s packed with the same bloody blend of action and sarcasm, inside jokes and cartoon gore, and such a smart script that it’s a shame it probably will never get quite the recognition it deserves. But, that’s okay, while the Academy is fawning over sly Brits and poignant dramas, “Deadpool 2” and its ilk will be laughing their way to the box office title. As you’ll be cracking up if you check it out.

And without spoilers, all I have to say is if you don’t laugh at the “Winnie the Pooh” scene, may the Lord have mercy on your soul and your sense of humor.

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.